Do You Know Your Business?

Download Malla’s 21 Questions Assessment to uncover the strengths and weaknesses of your business.

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    21 Questions to Help Your Business Grow

    Running a business can be tough, and as service-based entrepreneurs, you face unique challenges that require specific attention and strategic thinking. That’s why Malla designed this assessment to help you identify the areas where you need to focus on and improve.

    Her 21 Questions Assessment is tailored specifically for Black/Latina service-based entrepreneurs like you, so you can gain clarity on your business’s current situation.

    You’ll uncover simple adjustments that can be extremely transformative for your business in a variety of areas, including:

    • Revenue growth
    • Marketing and Sales
    • Financial analysis
    • Operations
    • Client management
    • Hiring and Team development
    • Innovation
    • Work-life balance

    The questions are comprehensive and thought-provoking, so you’ll gain valuable insights into your business’s strengths and weaknesses.

    The assessment is quick and easy to complete.

    As Black/Latina service-based entrepreneurs, you already have the talent and drive to succeed. But too often, we get so busy that we forget to step back and obtain the perspective that could skyrocket the trajectory of our business.

    Take advantage of this valuable tool to gain the clarity you need to move your business forward. Get started now and take the first step towards achieving your business goals.

    21 Questions Assessment

    Download the Free 21 Questions Assessment Now

    7 Reasons Why Want This List

    This assessment is specifically designed to help you gain clarity and transformative insights into your business. You’ll identify areas for improvement and know exactly what you need to do to take your business to the next level. with customized actionable steps to improve your business.

    Take the first step toward running your business with more confidence and making highly-informed decisions.

    Get started with Malla’s 21 Questions!

    1. Gain clarity on your business’s strengths and weaknesses. With insights into where your business is strong and areas that need improvement, you’ll walk away with a highly strategic plan.
    2. Identify key areas to improve. Focus your time and resources on the areas that will have the greatest impact on business success.
    3. Save time and money. Malla’s 21 Questions is a quick and cost-effective way to gain valuable insights into your business — in fact, it’s free!
    4. Tailored for Black/Latina service-based entrepreneurs. The assessment is designed according to the unique challenges and opportunities that Black/Latina service-based entrepreneurs face, ensuring that the questions are relevant to your specific business.
    5. Improve your business. The assessment generates specific actions you can take to improve your marketing, finance, operations, and client management, which can lead to increased revenue, profitability, and customer satisfaction.
    6. Gain confidence. With a clearer understanding of your business’ strengths and weaknesses, you’ll feel more confident in making decisions that will drive its success.

    What Else Is Inside ?

    In order to succeed as an entrepreneur, you need to have a comprehensive understanding of your business. Malla's assessment focuses on four key areas that are essential for the success of any service-based business:

    • Analyzing your business model and understanding the scalability of your systems
    • Evaluating your financial situation and developing a growth plan
    • Building and managing an effective team
    • Developing your leadership skills and creating a succession plan
    • Our assessment will help you identify exactly where your service-based business needs to make changes—so you can grow.

    Download 21 Questions Assessment

    Download the Free 21 Questions Assessment Now